A list of articles, books, interviews, etc., that continue to influence Lucas and me. Please comment at the bottom with the resources you recommend for understanding the U.S., the Constitution, and the ongoing struggle for democracy.
Aziz Rana, Democracy Was a Decolonial Project.
Aziz Rana, It Would Be Great if the United States Were Actually a Democracy.
Caleb Brennan, It’s Time to Reimagine the Constitutional Order.
Daniel Lazare, Abolish the Senate.
Daniel Lazare, A Constitutional Revolution.
David Dayen, America Is Not a Democracy.
Douglas J. Amy, The Presidency: Too Much Unaccountable Power.
Gil Schaeffer, You Can’t Use Weatherman.
Gil Schaeffer, Marxism, the Democratic Republic, and the Undemocratic U.S. Constitution.
Gil Schaeffer, Taking Democracy Seriously.
Lisa L. Miller, Amending Constitutional Myths.
Lisa L. Miller, Checks and Balances, Veto Exceptionalism, and Constitutional Folk Wisdom: Class and Race Power in American Politics.
Louis Michael Seidman, The Secret History of American Constitutional Skepticism.
Michael Albert, The World’s Most Difficult Constitution to Ammend?
Oren Schweitzer, Most Americans Have Lost Faith in Our Political System. It’s Time to Change It.
Sean Illing, Is the United States in self-destruct mode?
Seth Ackerman, Burn the Constitution.
Thomas Geoghegan, Abolish the Senate.
Thomas Geoghegan, The Infernal Senate.
Aziz Rana, The Constitutional Bind.
Daniel Lazare, The Frozen Republic.
Daniel Lazare, The Velvet Coup.
Eric Foner, The Second Founding.
Eric Foner, Reconstruction.
Erwin Chemerinsky, No Democracy Lasts Forever.
Fawn M. Brodie, Thaddeus Stevens: Scourge of the South.
Gordon S. Wood, The Creation of the American Republic, 1776-1787.
Harvey Kaye, Thomas Paine: Promise of America.
James M. McPherson, Battle Cry of Freedom.
Jonathan Israel, The Expanding Blaze.
Michael Klarman, The Framers’ Coup.
Louis Michael Seidman, From Parchment to Dust: The Case for Constitutional Skepticism.
Raymond A. Smith, The American Anomaly.
Robert A. Dahl, How Democratic is the American Constitution?
Robert Ovetz, We the Elites.
Sanford Levinson, Our Undemocratic Constitution.
Sanford Levinson, Fault Lines in Our Constitution.
Seth Cotlar, Tom Paine’s America.
Gil Schaeffer with Cosmopod.
Manisha Sinha with Class.
Robert Overtz with Cosmopod.
Lucas and Luke with Varn Vlog.
Luke with Socialist News and Views.
YDSA, “Winning the Battle for Democracy.”
Cleveland DSA, “Winning the Battle for Democracy.”
San Diego DSA, “For a Democratic Consitution.”
Al Jazeera, The U.S. Isn’t A Democracy.