So...George Tirebiter for President in 2028???

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This seems off. My guess is that DSA will be under pressure to move in a more "lib" direction now, with an influx of angry and scared liberals, not the angry working class we want. We will be under a lot of pressure to run around trying to stop all of what Trump is doing, instead of moving forward with a positive program.

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Hi John, I agree that DSA will likely be under immense pressure to run around trying to stop all of what Trump is doing, which can easily lead to leaving a positive program behind. DSA doesn't have a program or coherent political direction at this point, so we are already starting on tough terrain. But maybe one of the interventions we can make in DSA isa arguing for a positive program revolving around democratic republicanism.

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I don't disagree with many of these takeaways, but the idea that we should celebrate the system being irredeemably broken strikes me as bizarre and alienating.

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