
Ian Forgie: A Socialist Critique of the Constitution

Part one of a two-part series on democracy and the Constitution

The transcript of this video can be accessed by clicking the “Transcript” button above.

Ian Forgie, an author, lawyer, and member of East Bay DSA, concisely examines the Constitution’s structural provisions (including various Executive powers and a malapportioned bicameral legislature) during an event hosted by Marxist Unity Group and Cosmonaut Magazine. Ian touches on many important topics, including why we can’t have a democracy in this country without a new constitution, how Article V makes the amendment process so difficult that the power to change the Senate would essentially be revolutionary power, and how people inside and outside the law profession tend to think about the Constitution.

Part two of MUG and Cosmonaut’s series is Sunday the 18th at 1 PM EST. Luke Pickrell will discuss Marxism's democratic republicanism and the lessons we can take from past movements in the U.S., including the Civil Rights Movement and the New Left. Register here.